Agostino Avanzo

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Agostino Avanzo (* 1585 in Brescia ; † 1665 there ) was an architect and painter .


One of the most important works is the design and construction (1640–1663) of the church of Santa Maria della Carità ex novo , whose central octagonal floor plan has a baroque character, but it knows how to give a limited space solemnity and color. In 1663 he worked on the reconstruction of the Church of San Gaetano , which had been built only sixty years earlier, mainly to adapt the structure of the 16th century church to the dictates of the Counter-Reformation . Other church buildings in which he was involved are San Giorgio and the Oratory of San Rocco. He was also involved in the work in the Chiari Cathedral. According to reports, he and Camillo Rama painted the frescoes of the life of Saint Catherine in the Church of San Domenico.

He is also credited with paintings in the churches of San Rocco, Santa Giulia and the old cathedral, almost all of which have been lost. Among the few remaining frescoes, whose authorship by Agostino is documented, are the decorations of the presbytery of the Church of San Giorgio in Brescia. He died in 1665.


  • F. Piazza: Alcune note su Agostino Avanzi e sulle quadrature di San Giorgio a Brescia . In: Civiltà Bresciana . 2008, p. 65-79 (Italian).
  • Paolo Guerrini: Santuari, chiese, conventi . Edizioni del Moretto, Brescia 1986 (Italian).
  • AVANZO Agostino . In: Antonio Fappani (ed.): Enciclopedia Bresciana . tape I . Brescia 1978 (Italian, ).


  1. from the ground up

Individual evidence

  1. a b Antonio Fappani, p. 71.
  2. ^ Giuseppe Fusari: Il Duomo di Chiari: 1481–2000: il febbrile cantiere . 2000, p. 205 (Italian).
  3. Paolo Brognoli: Nova guida per la citta di Brescia . Presso Federico Nicoli-Cristiani, 1826, p. 125 (Italian).