Agricultural coordination

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The Agrar Koordination was founded in 1981 as a campaign by the Federal Coordination of Internationalism (BUKO) and has been working independently since then, focusing on agriculture and nutrition . Today, Agrar Koordination is an independent, non-profit association based in Hamburg . The Forum for International Agricultural Policy eV (FIA) is the sponsoring association of the agricultural coordination.

Goal setting

The aim is to make the negative effects of a neoliberal agricultural and trade policy on the countries of the South clear and to develop perspectives that give greater weight to the interests of the marginalized . The association provides information on developments in the field of agriculture and agricultural policy. He advocates diverse, climate- and resource-saving land management. The current focus of work is on the subject of "biological diversity and food security". According to the association, the diversity of cultivated plants is currently threatening to become a purely commercial product. The position of the farmers is also to be strengthened. The association works in the Hamburg.Global Netzwerk Hamburg and in Werkstatt 3 as well as nationwide in numerous alliances, networks and campaigns. They are also active members in the working groups on biodiversity and agriculture and nutrition in the Environment and Development Forum.

Biopoli youth education project

The Biopoli youth education project offers youth groups and school classes the opportunity to invite trained speakers to organize a school lesson or project day on the following topics.

  • Genetic engineering in agriculture
  • Biopiracy and patents on life
  • World agricultural trade
  • Biodiversity and Food Security
  • Use of pesticides in the north and south
  • Agrofuels climate and agriculture

A creative and participatory design of the lessons is important. Materials have been developed for all topics that can also be ordered. The aim is to bring important current ecological and development issues to schools and to contribute to global learning .


  • Agricultural Info - appears six times a year
  • Agricultural dossiers
  • Educational materials
  • Agricultural Studies
  • Films: "Growing promises, genetic engineering in Central America", "Stolen future" and "Future fields"

The latest film Future Fields by Tilman Przyrembel, Ursula Gröhn-Wittern and Sandra Blessin is about the consequences of climate change in the Philippines. Typhoons, drought, rising sea levels and rising temperatures make the production of food a high risk business. The country is the largest rice importer despite having fertile soils. From here the Green Revolution started with its high-yielding varieties, but the hunger in the country remained. Out of dissatisfaction with the experience of the Green Revolution, the farmers' network MASIPAG came into being 25 years ago and, with the help of MISEREOR, broke new ground. Some farmers bred their own varieties, diversified their cultivation in order to secure yield losses and practiced cultivation without chemical fertilizers and artificial pesticides. Over 2000 rice varieties grow in their variety gardens and the success is causing a rethink in the Ministry of Agriculture, according to the association.

Harbor tour on the subject of agrofuels and animal feed imports

The association offers an alternative harbor tour on the subject of agrofuels and animal feed imports. The 90-minute launch takes you through the Port of Hamburg , the largest European import port for palm and soybean oil and the location of Germany's largest palm oil refinery . This gives those interested the opportunity to find out more about the controversial subject of agrofuels.

Web links