
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aidas is a Lithuanian male given name (derived from aidas , dt. Echo ).

In addition to a personal first name, the word appears as part of the name of several historical and current Lithuanian newspapers, including Aidas (1923–1930, magazine for people in exile in the USA), Aidas (1938–1939, published in Vilnius , which was then occupied by Polish people ), Baltijos aidas ("Echo des Baltikums", ed. 1931–1932 twice a week in Klaipėda ), Kauno aidas ("Kaunaser Echo", ed. 1988–1996 in Kaunas ), Lietuvos aidas ("Echo Lithuania", ed. 1917–1918 in Vilnius, 1928–1940 in Kaunas and since 1990 again in Vilnius) and Žemaičių aidas (Echo Niederlithauens , published since 1994 in Telšiai ).
