Academy for Global Health and Development

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The Academy for Global Health and Development (AGGE) serves to prepare people for use in health work, especially in economically poor countries. It is an amalgamation of the advanced training courses of the German Institute for Medical Mission in Tübingen (Difäm), the Institute for Public Health at Heidelberg University and the Medical Mission Institute in Würzburg .


Those who work in development cooperation are often confronted with new topics and challenges in their practical work. This is particularly true for employees in the health sector. Knowledge and skills in tropical medicine, public health and disaster relief are basic requirements for medical work in economically poor countries. These topics are inadequately addressed during medical studies and training in the medical field. Topics such as project planning, monitoring and evaluation do not occur.

The Academy for Global Health and Development (AGGE) wants to enable health professionals to get involved in health projects, especially in economically poor countries.

Training topics

  • Expertise in tropical medicine and public health
  • Adapted technologies and laboratory applications
  • Health work in economically poor countries
  • Basic health programs and maternal and child health
  • Disease control programs such as HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria

Target group and training locations

The Academy's annual course program is primarily aimed at health and social care professionals as well as development cooperation professionals. The course participants come from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, courses are held in Heidelberg, Würzburg or Tübingen. It is also possible to hold courses anywhere in the world.

Languages ​​of instruction

For the course program at the Würzburg and Tübingen locations, the language of instruction is usually German. In Heidelberg, the seminars are usually held in English. For in-house seminars and courses abroad, the more suitable language can be freely selected.

Consortium members


The academy is financially supported by Bread for the World - Evangelical Development Service and the Working Group for Development Aid eV (AGEH).

Web links