Academy Group Aging in Germany

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The Academy Group Aging in Germany was a joint project of the National Academy Leopoldina and the German Academy of Science and Engineering ( acatech ). Her task was to examine the opportunities and problems of an aging society. The focus was on the world of work and lifelong learning.

Academy group

The Academy Group Aging in Germany was the largest interdisciplinary research project to date on the subject of “ Demographic Change ” in Germany. A total of 29 scientists from ten different disciplines (from psychology and economics to history and philosophy to medicine and computer science) have come together in the academy group to shed light on the phenomenon of an “aging society” from different perspectives. It goes back to the initiative of the aging researcher Paul B. Baltes . It was headed by the social historian Jürgen Kocka and the aging researcher and psychologist Ursula Staudinger . The academy group was financially supported by the Zurich-based Jacobs Foundation for a period of three years (2006–2008). The ongoing follow-up project academy group fertility turns to the other side of the demographic change, the birth behavior. The fertility academy group is jointly supported by the Leopoldina and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and is also funded by the Jacobs Foundation .


The task was to record the opportunities and problems of an aging society and, on the basis of the best available results of scientific research on selected focal points (especially with regard to work and learning), to formulate recommendations for an active shaping of the process of social aging: Recommendations that primarily to addressees from politics and society, to the public.

Recommendations and volumes of materials

The recommendations are the condensate of the three-year work of the academy group. They are based on eight scientific conferences, the results of which have been documented in eight volumes of material. The material volumes are also the scientific backing of the academy group's recommendations. All of the findings about the years gained are carried out here and scientifically proven. In the opinion of the academy group, a mixture of widespread misjudgments about age and aging as well as outdated structures and habits currently prevents us from seizing the opportunities offered by demographic change. Some of the recommendations therefore deal with the presentation and refutation of legends and thus want to contribute to the emergence of a new image of old age that does better justice to reality.

Aging in Germany material volumes (all 2009)

  • Volume 1 Pictures of Aging in Transition. Historical, intercultural, theoretical and current perspectives
  • Volume 2 Aging, Education and Lifelong Learning
  • Volume 3 Aging, Work and Operation
  • Volume 4 Productivity in Aging Societies
  • Volume 5 Aging in the community and region
  • Volume 6 Aging and Technology
  • Volume 7 Aging and Health
  • Volume 8 Aging: Family, Civil Society, Politics
  • Volume 9 Years Won. Recommendations of the Academy Group on Aging in Germany

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