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Waters Pacific Ocean
Archipelago Gambier Islands
Geographical location 23 ° 11 ′ 10 ″  S , 134 ° 54 ′ 47 ″  W Coordinates: 23 ° 11 ′ 10 ″  S , 134 ° 54 ′ 47 ″  W
Akamaru (Gambier Islands)
length 2.8 km
width 1.6 km
surface 2.1 km²
Highest elevation 247  m
Residents 11 (2002)
5.2 inhabitants / km²
main place Akamaru (historical)

Akamaru is the third largest of the Gambier Islands in French Polynesia . The area of ​​the island is 2.1 km², its highest point is 247 m above sea level. It has a small neighboring island, Mekiro . The historic village of Tokani was on the north side of the island. In 2002 3 families with a total of 11 people lived on Akamaru further south.

In 1797 the island was discovered by James Wilson . The Christianization of the island began in 1834, followed by the construction of the island church Notre-Dame de la Paix in 1841 . Although the island, especially the lagoon, is scenic, there is no tourism. Only seasonal workers come from Mangareva to pick oranges or to do repair work on the church.


Web links

Commons : Akamaru  - collection of images, videos and audio files