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Abū Bakr Ahmad ibn Husain ibn ʿAli ibn Mūsā al-Chusraudschirdī al-Baihaqi ( Arabic أبو بكر أحمد بن الحسين بن علي بن موسى الخسروجردي البيهقي, DMG Abū Bākr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusain b. ʿAlī b. Mūsā al-Ḫusrauǧirdī al-Baihaqī , b. 994 in the small town of Khusraugird near Baihaq, today's Sabzevar, in Khorasan ; died 1066 ) was a Sunni traditional scholar of the Shāfiʿite teaching direction.


Al-Baihaqī has written several works, including:

  • the “Book of Great Traditions” ( Kitāb as-Sunan al-kubrā ) in ten volumes.
  • His work "The Evidence of Prophethood and Knowledge of the Affairs of the Lord of the Sharia" ( Dalāʾil an-nubūwa wa-maʿrifat aḥwāl ṣāḥib aš-šarīʿa ) in seven volumes was of great importance in relation to the life story of the Prophet Mohammed . The volumes give an overview of all events that took place before and after the birth of Muhammad and indicate his existence as a prophet, including his ancestry, his external characteristics and stories about people, animals and jinn who recognized him as a prophet.
  • "The excellent qualities of ash-Shāfidīs " ( Manāqib aš-Šāfiʿī ). The book was edited in two volumes by Aḥmad Ṣaqr (Dār at-Turāṯ, Cairo, 1970). Digitized


supporting documents

  1. See Annemarie Schimmel : And Muhammad is His Prophet. Worship of the Prophet in Islamic Piety . 3rd edition Munich 1995. pp. 28f.

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