al-Mahdi al-Wazzani

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Al-Mahdi al-Wazzani ( Arabic المهدي الوزاني al-Mahdῑ al-Wazzānī ; born 1849 in Ouezzane ; died September 11, 1923 in Fez ) was a Moroccan Islamic Malakite scholar.


Al-Wazzani was born in Ouezzane. His Nisba "al-Wazzani" is derived from this city . His family traces their ancestry back to a grandson of Hasan . Al-Wazzani received his first instructions from his father. His later training took place in the Qarawīyīn mosque in Fez.

He was the Mufti of Fez. In 1910 he published the work on his extensive collection of Maliki fatwas (for short: al-Miʿyār al-ǧadīd (al-Mi'yar al-Jadid) or an-Nawāzil al-ǧadīda al-kubrā).

His works also include a refutation of Muhammad Abduh's prohibition of tawassul .

In recent times Etty Terem has done research into person and work.


  • Ibn-ʿAbbād, ʿUmar (Ed.): [Al-Miʿyār al-ǧadīd al-ǧāmiʿ al-muʿrib ʿan fatāwā al-mutāʾaḫḫirīn min ʿulamāʾ al-Maġrib] an-Nawāzil al-ǧadīda al-fīda al-Nawāzil al-ǧadīda wa-ġairihim min al-badw wa-'l-qurā; al-musammāh bi-'l-Miʿyār al-ǧadīd al-ǧāmiʿ al-muʿrib ʿan fatāwā al-mutaʾaḫḫirīn min ʿulamāʾ al-Maġrib / taʾlīf Abī-ʿĪsā Saiyidī al-Mahdī al-Wazzānī. Qābalahū wa-ṣaḥḥaḥahū ʿala 'n-nusḫa al-aṣlīya ʿUmar Ibn-ʿAbbād. al-Muḥammadīya: Maṭbaʿat Faḍāla, 1996, ISBN 9981-826-28-6 ( SUB GÖ )


  • Etty Terem: Old Texts, New Practices. Islamic Reform in Modern Morocco . Stanford University Press, Stanford 2014, ISBN 978-0-8047-8707-9 ( )
  • Etty Terem: “al-Mahdῑ al-Wazzānī (d. 1342/1923)”, in: Oussama Arabi, David Stephan Powers, Susan Ann Spectorsky (ed.): Islamic Legal Thought. A Compendium of Muslim Jurists Brill, Leiden 2013, ISBN 978-90-04-25452-7 ( publisher's link )
  • Etty Terem: New Mi'yar of al-Mahdi al-Wazzani: Local Interpretation of Family Life in Late Nineteenth-Century Fez Dissertation Harvard (Supervision: Roger Owen, Susan Miller)
  • J. Berque: Les nawâzil el muzâra'a du Mi'yâr al-Wazzâni. Etude et traduction. Rabat, 1940.
  • David S. Powers, Etty Terem: From the 'Mi'yar' of al-Wansharisi to the new 'Mi'yar' of al-Wazzani. In: Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam pp. 235–260.
  • Boris de Parfentieff: Etude de droit public malikite. You droit du sovereign musulman de disposer des biens appartenant au Trésor (bayt mal al-Muslimîn). In: Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée. 1, 1966, pp. 161–162 ( )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The famous older Maliki fatwa collection al-Miyar al-Murib comes from Ahmed al-Wanscharisi (d. 1508).
  2. Wahhabism: Understanding the Roots and Role Models of Islamic Extremism - Zubair Qamar (condensed and edited by ASFA staff)