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Al-Waqasi , also Abū-l-Walid Hišam ibn Ahmad al Kinanī Al-Waqqašī (* 1017 in Toledo , † 23 June 1096 in Dénia or Valencia ) was an Andalusian-Arabic grammarian, scientist, historian, poet and Muslim lawyer.

His contemporaries viewed him as an intellectual with a broad and profound knowledge. He also carried out political activities. One of his most famous works is La Elegía a Valencia (Elegy or Lamentation Poem for Valencia), which is a chronicle of this Levantine city ​​at the time of the siege by El Cid (real name: Rodrigo Díaz ).

After the conquest of Valencia by El Cid on June 17, 1094, Al-Waqasi was appointed Kadi , the Mohammedan judge, of Valencia. Al-Waqasi had previously spoken out in favor of not offering any resistance to the Christian conquest. However, when he renounced the office of kadis, he sought refuge in Dénia, where he died in 1096.

The researcher Dolores Oliver Pérez considers Al-Waqasi to be the author of the Cantar de mio Cid , although this theory is considered refuted by experts like Alberto Montaner .


Individual references and comments

  1. This article is a translation of the article of the same name on the Spanish language Wikipedia
  2. ^ Gonzalo Martínez Diez: El Cid histórico. Planeta, Barcelona 1999, ISBN 84-08-03161-9 , p. 343, no. 16 ..
  3. ^ Margarita Lachica Garrido: Poetas arabes del País Valenciano. 1995.
  4. ^ Alberto Montaner Frutos: La fecha exacta de la rendición de Valencia. In: Alberto Montaner Frutos, Alfonso Boix Jovaní: Guerra en Šarq Alʼandalus: Las batallas cidianas de Morella (1084) y Cuarte (1094). Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo, Zaragoza 2005, ISBN 84-95736-04-7 , pp. 285-287.
  5. El Cantar de Mio Cid: Génesis y autoría árabe. Fundación Ibn Tufayl de Estudios Árabes, 2011, ISBN 978-84-934026-7-9 .
  6. Luis Molina, Alberto Montaner: El Cantar de Mío Cid y su supuesta autoría árabe. In: Al-Qantara. Volume XXXI, No. 1, January-June 2010, pp. 311-323.