Alain Roche (pianist)

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Alain Roche is a Swiss pianist and composer.

In his performance “piano vertical”, Alain Roche plays from 6 a.m. on a grand piano hanging in the air . Since 2013, more than 120 piano suspensions have taken place under the name "Les ciels" (The Heavens) in various countries such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Austria, Germany and China. The pianist also plays in rain, temperatures between five and 40 degrees and wind up to 72 km / h. A special mechanism brings the buttons back to their original position after they have been pressed. The audience hears the concert through headphones.


“It's about changing your perspective, turning it around and breaking everyday life. We know the piano in a horizontal position, but not in a vertical form »

- Alain Roche :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rita Argauer: Sounds like clockwork. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . January 23, 2020.
  2. ^ Andreas Kolb: Vertical virtuoso. In: Neue Musikzeitung . 12/2019.
  3. He plays the piano - hanging 7 meters above the ground. In: Euronews .
  4. Photos from taggesschaus contribution. In: Facebook account of the Tagesschau (ARD) . 16th August 2019.
  5. Pictures of the Day: June 17, 2019. In: Daily Telegraph . 17th June 2019.
  6. Piano concerto floating 60 meters above the ground. In: Bayerischer Rundfunk (media library). January 24, 2020.
  7. High notes from the Werksviertel. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. January 24, 2020