Alalkomenai (Ithaca)

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Alalkomenai ( Greek  Ἀλαλκομεναί ) was an ancient city on the island of Ithaca .

After depicting Istros , a pupil of Callimachus , Plutarch reports on the myth that led to the name of the city. Antikleia had given birth to her son Odysseus near the sanctuary of Athena Alalkomeneis in the Boiotic town of Alalkomenai , whereupon the father Laertes named the town after the Boiotic town. Strabon locates the city on the small island of Asteria , referring to Apollodorus . However, since the island is too small for a city, Strabon's localization is probably based on a misunderstanding.

In the Lexicon of Stephanos of Byzantium , Alalkomenai is led under the form of the name Alkomenai (Greek Ἀλκομεναί ).



  1. Plutarch, Quaestiones graecae 43.
  2. Strabo 10, 457.