Alba plate

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A Alba plate served in the 19th century for illumination of photographs of painted sheet iron - plates . The product was offered by the court photographer Edmund Risse in Norderney in 1876 . In the chemical-technical process , he used the carrier material

"The finer side with zinc white - collodion was coated and converted by rinsing with water in a snow-white matte ceiling of extreme fineness, to blanket were mentioned means Chlorsilbercollodium photographs prepared. With the process, however, the disadvantage is connected that the products of the same are exposed to the relatively rapid change by the light (they turn unpleasantly brown after a week, the image inconspicuous, to gradually disappear). "

To remedy the evil of tanning and the fading of the photo, Bruno Risse received the desired patent from the Imperial Patent Office according to his patent specification number 8604 of February 5, 1880 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Christian Timm: "... regarding the production of photographs while moving around ..." On the situation of traveling photographers in East Friesland. In: Detlef Hoffmann , Jens Thiele (eds.): Lichtbilder, Lichtspiele: Beginnings of Photography and Cinema in East Friesland , accompanying document to the traveling exhibition in the East Frisian State Museum (town hall festival hall) in Emden from May 2 to 23, 1989 and in Nienburg in the Museum Nienburg from October 15 to November 12, 1989, Marburg: Jonas-Verlag für Kunst und Literatur, 1989, ISBN 3-922561-84-5 , pp. 231–241; here: p. 237 and note 24 on p. 241; Preview over google books .