Albert Bruehl

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Albert Brühl (born before 1984) is a German nursing scientist .


From 1984 to 1989 he studied psychology and business administration in Bonn , where he obtained a diploma in psychology from the University of Bonn in 1990 . In 1990 he founded the Social Psychological Institute (SPI) Cologne with Herbert Feser . From 1990 to 2009 he carried out a total of 22 contract research and consulting projects at the SPI Cologne. From 1992 to 2010 he was teaching methods of empirical social research in Aachen and Cologne . After receiving his doctorate in 2003 in Osnabrück with Hildegard Müller-Kohlenberg with the case groups of social work, he was appointed professor of statistics and standardized procedures at the PTH Vallendar .

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  • Case groups in social work (FdS) as a response to the introduction of diagnosis-related groups in acute hospitals (= research and development in the social economy. Volume 3). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2004, ISBN 3-8329-0488-3 , (also dissertation, Osnabrück 2003).

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