Albert François Deriot

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Albert François Deriot (born January 17, 1766 in Clairvaux-les-Lacs , † January 30, 1836 in Paris ) was a French Général de division of the infantry .


At the age of eighteen Deriot came to the Gardes françaises in 1784 and when in the course of the revolution this was restructured by the Marquis de La Fayette to the Garde nationale , Deriot remained in service.

After a few promotions, Deriot later moved to the Northern Army and was wounded several times in the Revolutionary Wars.

He took part in Napoleon's campaign to Egypt in 1798 . He showed himself brave at the siege of Acre (March / May 1799) and fought in the battle of Heliopolis (March 20, 1800). In 1801 Deriot was able to return home to France.

With the rank of Colon , Deriot was placed under General Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor and fought a. a. at Caldiero (October 29/31, 1805), at Bodenbühl (November 1, 1805) and at Steyr (November 4, 1805).

In October 1812 General Jean-François-Aimé Dejean summoned him to a court martial , where he was involved in the conviction of the main culprits in a coup (→ Malet conspiracy ).

When Napoleon had left the island of Elba and his " rule of the hundred days " began, Deriot - who at that time led the Young Guard ( Garde impériale ) - immediately submitted to the order of the emperor. After the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815) Deriot resigned all offices and settled in Clairvaux-les-Lacs that same year . When after the July Revolution of 1830 , the July Monarchy was able to establish, was chosen Deriot in his hometown for the mayor. He held this office until 1831.

Albert François Deriot died on January 30, 1836 in Paris, thirteen days after his 70th birthday. He found his final resting place in his hometown.

