Albert Großhans

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Großhans gravestone on the Heilbronn Südfriedhof in Sontheim

Albert Großhans (born May 11, 1907 in Sontheim , † November 21, 2005 in Heilbronn ) was a German politician .


Großhans built with his brother Heini Großhans the Social Democracy in Heilbronn. On March 1, 1923 he founded the Socialist Workers' Youth Heilbronn (SAJ). During the Nazi dictatorship, Großhans fought in the resistance and was temporarily imprisoned in concentration camps. After the Second World War he was elected to the municipal council of Heilbronn in 1946, where he was parliamentary group leader of the SPD from 1956 to 1977 . On April 28, 1977 he was made an honorary citizen of the city of Heilbronn for his great services, especially in the reconstruction of the war-torn city . On May 12, 1977 Großhans resigned as the longest-serving city councilor for reasons of age from the municipal council. Großhans also appeared as the author of writings on local history.

Großhans was the holder of the Willy Brandt Medal and the golden badge of honor of the SPD as well as recipient of the SPD letter of honor.


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