Albrecht Wezler

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Albrecht Wezler (born March 2, 1938 in Munich ) is a German Indologist .


After graduating as Dr. phil. in Tübingen in 1965 and his habilitation at the University of Tübingen , he taught from 1973 to 2003 as a professor of Indology in Hamburg .

Fonts (selection)

  • Paribhāṣā IV, V and XV. Studies on the history of indigenous Indian grammatical scholasticism . Berlin 1969, OCLC 282851 .
  • Determination and indication of the function of secondary suffixes by Pāṇini . Wiesbaden 1975, ISBN 3-515-02105-1 .
  • The real "food leftovers". (Skt. Vighasāśin) . Mainz 1978, ISBN 3-515-02785-8 .
  • Bhṛṅgāra in Sanskrit literature . Aligarh 1987, OCLC 21047182 .