Francesco Buonamici (architect)

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Collegiate Church of St. Paul in Rabat

Francesco Buonamici (* 1596 in Lucca ; † June 26, 1677 ibid) was an Italian architect and Baroque painter who worked mainly in Malta .


In September 1635 the architect and painter Francesco Buonamici from Lucca came to Malta in the wake of fortress builder Pietro Paolo Floriani . The group was supposed to expand the fortresses for Grand Master Antoine de Paule and was under the protection of Cardinal Francesco Barberini , nephew of Pope Urban VIII. The papal legate Fabio Chigi supported them on site. In 1638 he was made a knight of the Order of Malta.

Buonamici's works are the renovation of the destroyed Jesuit church with the college in Valletta as well as the church dell'Anima / San Nicolas in Valletta and the San Paolo with the Wignacourt college in Rabat . From 1659 he was back in Lucca. Even before that, he was involved in building the cathedral in Syracuse around 1650 . Mattia Preti took his position on the island . One pupil was the Maltese Lorenzo Gafà , who implemented the plans in Rabat.

His grave is in the Chiesa del Suffragio of Lucca.

Jesuit Church in Valletta


  • Dennis De Lucca: The genesis of Maltese baroque architecture: Francesco Buonamici (1596–1677). University of Malta, 1994.
  • Werner Oechslin:  BUONAMICI, Francesco. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 15:  Buffoli-Caccianemici. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1972.

Single receipts

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