Alcaeorrhynchus grandis

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Alcaeorrhynchus grandis
Nymph of Alcaeorrhynchus grandis

Nymph of Alcaeorrhynchus grandis

Partial order : Pentatomomorpha
Superfamily : Pentatomoidea
Family : Stink bugs (Pentatomidae)
Subfamily : Asopinae
Genre : Alcaeorrhynchus
Type : Alcaeorrhynchus grandis
Scientific name
Alcaeorrhynchus grandis
( Dallas , 1851)

Alcaeorrhynchus grandis is a Wanzenart from the family of stink bugs (Pentatomidae). The type of bug bears the English name Giant Strong-nosed Stink Bug ("Giant stink bug with a big nose").


The brown-spotted, very large bugs have a double spine on the sides of the pronotum, which is directed laterally forward. This distinguishes them from the similar but much smaller bugs of the species Podisus maculiventris , which only have simple thorns. The males are 16-21 mm long, while the females reach a body length of 18-25 mm. The light legs of the bedbugs are banded dark. The light-colored connexive (part of the abdomen that is visible on the side) has dark spots. The blue-black colored nymphs of the 3rd to 5th instars have red keels on the side of the pronotum.


Alcaeorrhynchus grandis is the largest zoophage bug of the family Pentatomidae found in Florida . Its range extends over the southern United States as well as Mexico , Costa Rica , Colombia and Brazil . The bug species was also introduced to the Galapagos Islands .

Way of life

The bugs predatory feed on beetles and their larvae as well as on caterpillars. They occur on agricultural land where soybeans and other crops are grown.

The clutch size of Alcaeorrhynchus grandis usually consists of 100 to 200 eggs. The development of the bug includes five nymph stages. The complete development period starting with the oviposition is around 60 days.


The bug species was originally named Canthecona grandi Dallas , 1851. There is still a related species, Alcaeorrhynchus phymatophorus , which can be differentiated by the orientation of the thorns and the shape of the parameters.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m University of Florida: Featured Creature - Alcaeorrhynchus grandis
  2. ^ A b North Dakota State University, Fargo: Alcaeorrhynchus Bergroth, 1891
  5. Alcaeorrhynchus grandis in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)

Web links

Commons : Alcaeorrhynchus grandis  - collection of images, videos and audio files