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Aldana (also Alda , † before 804) was the wife of Count Theodoric von Autun († before 804) and the mother of Wilhelm von Gellone († before 815). She is referred to as the daughter of Karl Martell , but this is controversial in research.

The triggers for naming Karl Martell's daughter are:

  • A necrology from Aquitaine in which Aldana is listed as the sister ( soror ) of Hiltrud and Landrada.
  • The Annales regni Francorum for the year 782, which mentions Theodericus comes propinquus regis , a close relative of King Charlemagne named Theoderic, who is equated with Aldana's husband (or Aldana's son).
  • The Gesta Hludowici Thegans , the Aldanas and Theodoric's grandson Bernhard von Septimanien in Chapter 36 as of royal origin ( de stirpe regali ).

The Bishop Chrodegang of Metz

With the names Hiltrud and Landrada, two women are attested in the period in question, so that the mention can be clearly assigned (provided that there was no second person with the same name who is simply not known).

Hiltrud († 754) was a legitimate daughter of Karl Martell. She was the full sister of Pippin the Younger and since 741 the wife of Duke Odilo of Bavaria . According to the Metz episcopal history from the 8th century, Landrada is the mother of Bishop Chrodegang (see Robertiner ), but no relationship to the Carolingians is claimed either there, in the royal documents or in almost all documents that come from Chrodegangs himself. The only exception is a document dated May 25, 765, in which Pippin is named as avunculus , the brother of Chrodegang's mother, a document which, according to Hlawitschka, “has long been known as a late forgery”.

Only the Vita Chrodegangs, written in the 9th or 10th century, adds the statement that Landrada was a sister of Pippin the Younger and thus also Hiltrud - and ignores the fact that Pippin (* 714) and Chrodegang (* around 715) almost were the same age, Chrodegang's mother Landrada (* probably 695/700) is hardly an option as sister of Hiltrud (* around 715) and Pippins. Since Wilhelm's year of birth is again given as "around 754", Aldana - taking into account that Wilhelm was a younger son - is likely to be born around 730/735, so that the years of birth of the three women are around 30 to 40 years apart, which makes a relationship as sisters unlikely or suggests that the sisters Hiltrud and Landrada are not the wife of Odilos or the mother of Chrodegang - and Aldana is not the daughter of Karl Martell.

Wala and Rothlindis

The argument against Aldana as Pippin's sister is that Karl Martell's grandson Wala was married to Aldana's granddaughter Rothlindis, thus - if Aldana was a daughter of Karl - a 2: 3 marriage was forbidden under both canon law and Salic law .


  • Einhard : Vita Karoli Magni .
  • Thegan : Gesta Hludowici imperatoris. Ernst Tremp (ed.): Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 64 (1995).
  • Paulus Diaconus , Gesta episcoporum Mettensium, MGH Scriptores (in folio) 10 (Annales et chronica aevi Salici. Vitae aevi Carolini et Saxonici).
  • Vita Chrodegangi, MGH Scriptores 10.
  • Vita Sancti Willelmi monachi Gellonensis, Acta sanctorum, Maii 6 (1688), the two founding documents in the appendix, dated December 14th and 15th, 804.
  • Jean Mabillon : Acta sanctorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti.
  • Augustin Calmet : Histoire de Lorraine, Tome II, Preuves (1748).
  • R. Thomassy: Critique des deux chartes de foundation de l'abbaye de Saint-Guillem-du-Désert. Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Series 1, Tome II (1840–1844).
  • A. D'Herbomez, Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Gorze (1898).
  • Max Buchner : Die Vita Chrodegangi, a church political tendency (magazine of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History, Kan. Abt. 16, 1927), page 1–36.
  • Gerd Tellenbach : Kingship and Tribes in the Age of Development of the German Empire (1939).
  • Lorenz Weinrich : Wala, Graf, Mönch and Rebell (1963).
  • Eduard Hlawitschka : The ancestors of Charlemagne. In: Wolfgang Braunfels (ed.): Karl der Große, Lebenswerk und Nachleben, Volume I (edited by Helmut Beumann ): Personality and History (1965).
  • Christian Settipani , Patrick van Kerrebrouck: La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (1993).
  • Donald C. Jackman : The pedigree of the earliest German kings. In: Herold Yearbook New Series, Volume 15 (2010), p. 47ff.

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  1. ^ "Pater eius [Wilhelms] fuit Theodericus, mater Aldana", Mabillon, saeculum 4, pars 1, page 68; “Willelmus de praeclara Francorum progenie, ex patro videlicet nobili magnoque consule Theoderico nomine; cuius mater aeque generosa et nobilissima comitissa dicta est Aldana ”, Vita Wilhelm von Gellone (probably 11th century), Acta sanctorum, Maii 6, p. 801, see also Hlawitschka on Wilhelm von Gellone (no. 61); "Willelmus ... comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in the documents for the foundation of the Abbey of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert , dated December 14th and 15th, 804, (Thomassy, ​​p. 179)
  2. z. B. Tellenbach, p. 43, and Weinrich, p. 17 and plate p. 107
  3. "Willelmus ... pater eius Theodericus, mater Aldana soror Hiltrudis et Landradæ" Settipani (1993), p.173, quoted Jean Mabillon , Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Sancti s. Benedicti (9 volumes, 1668–1701) Volume IV 1, p. 71
  4. ^ Settipani, p. 176
  5. ^ MGH SS I, p. 163 .
  6. Jump up Post hunc vir egregius et omnibus preconiis efferendus, Grodegangus antistes eligitur, ex pago Hasbaniensi oriundus, patre Sigrano, matre Landrada, Francorum ex genere primae nobilitatis progenitus. Paulus Deacon, chap. 37, p. 540
  7. "Grodegangus ... archiepiscopus" donates property "in pago Wormacensi ... [et] in villa Dagosbesher ... in Hostoven, Burdus, in villa Flamersheim ecclesiam" to Gorze Abbey with the consent of "Pipini ... Francorum regis, avunculi mei", Calmet, col . cv, and A. D'Herbomez, No. 11
  8. Hlawitschka, p. 174
  9. "Sigiramnus pater eius est dictus, in tantum Nobilitatis et gloria divitiarum pollens, ut cui Pippini registered soror congruentius daretur in terra Francorum nullo modo inveniretur. Illius utique Pippini sororem, Landradam dictam, iste in matrimonio dignitate et gloria praepotens est sortitus, qui sapientia et fortitudine cunctis mortalium clarior, regnum Sicambrorum ex sua illa stirpe sancta primus, Deo sic disponente, suscepit. ", P. 556
  10. ^ Wilhelm Kohl:  Wilhelm of Aquitaine. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 13, Bautz, Herzberg 1998, ISBN 3-88309-072-7 , Sp. 1231-1232.
  11. Hlawitschka, p. 76
  12. Since neither Aldana's mother nor Wala's grandmother are known, the question arises whether the two women were full- or half-sisters. In Saxon law (based on a relationship to Salic law), in the case of half-siblings, an increase by one unit, in this case to a 3: 4 marriage, was made (see Sachsenspiegel Landrecht I, 3.3: "Is there half-sibling (two ), then these half-siblings cannot stand on one link [degree of relationship], but move into the second link. ”(Translation by Ruth Schmidt-Wiegand, quoted from Armin Wolf : Ancestors of German Kings and Queens. In: Herold-Jahrbuch. New series , Volume 15, 2010, footnote 460, p. 188/189)), which was permitted under Salian law - canon law was not yet decisive in these questions in the 8th century (Jackman, p. 55/56)