Alessandra Bernardi

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Alessandra Bernardi (* 1967 in Trieste ) is an Italian-born author .


According to the Neues Europa Verlag, Alessandra Bernardi was born in Trieste in 1967 and writes in various genres. She lives near Venice with her husband and two children.


Despite the information from your publisher that Bernardi writes in different genres, according to the German National Library only the historical novel The Dogen's Daughter has been published under this name. She may write other genres under a pseudonym. Another possible explanation would be that Alessandra Bernardi is a pseudonym and that her other works have appeared under her real name.

The Doge's Daughter was published at the end of 2006 and is described by the publisher as her first historical novel. The novel was published as a hardcover by Neuer Europa-Verlag Leipzig. After sluggish sales, which the author attributes mainly to the fact that the publisher had postponed the publication date several times and the book was finally not on sale at Christmas despite several announcements, Weltbild acquired the paperback rights. The book went on sale again in early 2007 at a price of 4.95 euros. This time sales picked up quickly and led to increased interest from the media and publishers in the author. As the author announced on her homepage, she is already writing other Italian novels.

The Doge's Daughter is a historical romance novel. The heroine falls in love with her father's opponent, the Doge of Venice, and is torn between her love for her father and her love for this man.

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