Alessandro De Francesco

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Alessandro De Francesco (* 1981 in Pisa , Italy ) is an Italian poet, theorist and sound artist.

life and work

De Francesco studied philosophy and comparative literature at the Écoles Normales Supérieures in Paris and Lyon and at the Technical University of Berlin . He graduated from the University of Pisa with a degree in philosophy. He also studied composition and electronic music, played bass professionally and took part in the Siena Jazz International Master Classes .



  • Lo spostamento degli oggetti, 2008
  • da 1000m / dès 1000m / from 1000m, 2009
  • Ridefinizione, 2010
  • Redéfinition, 2010
  • Herdefinitie, 2011


  • How to hold tongues / Stavano attaccati come lingue, 2008
  • Odd Directions / Direzioni Dispari, 2009
  • (UN) simultaneous / BerliNO allo stesso tempo, 2009
  • Quadranti / Cadrans, 2010

Other publications

  • Ridefinizione (CD), 2010
  • Ridefinizione (DVD), 2011

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official homepage of Alessandro De Francesco