Alexander Heinz Flessburg

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Alexander Heinz Flessburg (born July 31, 1874 in Leobschütz ; † September 12, 1936 in Berlin ) was a German military musician and SS-Obersturmführer .

After a career as Kapellmeister of the German Navy, where he made it to the position of Obermusikmeister (in the rank of first lieutenant at sea ), Alexander Heinz Flessburg was demobilized in the mid-1920s and temporarily worked as chairman of the association of former music masters of the army and navy . Flessburg committed himself to the National Socialist ideology early on. He made it up to the SS-Obersturmführer and in 1933 became a music train leader of the SS-Standarte 42 Berlin. He composed several "battle songs", including the March SA marching (1933), which he recorded in 1933 together with Arno Pardun's March People to the Rifle in 1933 on shellac record.

Individual evidence

  1. see gravestone Lenta Kersebohm geb. Flessburg in the Bergstrasse cemetery, Berlin-Steglitz
  2. ^ Fred Prieberg: Handbook of German Musicians 1933–1945. CD-Rom, self-published, Auprès des Zombry 2004