Alexander Iossifowitsch Neschny

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Alexander Iossifowitsch Neschny ( Russian Александр Иосифович Нежный ; born August 17, 1940 in Moscow , USSR ) is a Russian writer, journalist and active publicist . He was the first to report on the persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union. He has published more than 18 works of documentary literature and fiction as well as numerous articles and essays.


Neshnyj was born on August 17, 1940 in Moscow and studied journalism at the Lomonosov University in Moscow . In 1958 he started working as a journalist at Komsomolskaya Pravda and Trud .

As a journalist traveled across the USSR and published his journalism and prose in the most important literary magazines such as Novyj Mir , Druzhba Narodow , Znamja and Zwesda . Nezhnyj is the author of 18 documentary and fiction works. He writes for Russian and Western media and The New York Times , Ogonjek , and gives lectures on the Echo Moskwy radio and Swoboda radio .

During the years of perestroika he became one of the first authors to write about the persecution of the Church by the Soviet regime and to speak out for freedom of religion. But already in the 1990s, his rigorous sharp criticism of religious fanaticism and the recent renewed connection of church and state in Russia (see. Made Znamya , no. 6, 06.2016) and its Antisimetismus- and racism criticism Neshnyj often prey to nationalist and religious Attacks.

He draws inspiration for writing from dynamic changes in contemporary life, numerous encounters and research in archives. His work is strongly influenced by Lev Tolstoy and Vladimir Solovyov. Alexander Neshnyj uses well-founded documentary material, newspaper articles, memories from contemporaries and documents in his works. Among the documents meticulously collected in archives is material from the KGB archives, which was made available to a wider public for a short time in the 1990s.

Alexander Neshnyj lives and works in Moscow.


Since 1979 Nezhnyj was a member of the Writers ' Union of the USSR and is a member of the Moscow Writers' Union .


Press reviews

The pedagogue Jamburg conclusively sums up the work of Alexander Neshnyj in Russian literature and public discourses: «That Nezhniy was the first to report on the bitter and terrible tragedy of the Orthodox Church in the USSR and who campaigned for religious freedom as early as the 1980s , kept him all the less from perceiving false overtones in the triumphant symphony [of the Russian Orthodox Church]. "


  • Dni stschastlivych otkrytyj. Politisdat, Moscow 1975.
  • Bereg rannego solnza. Molodaja gvardija, Moscow 1976.
  • Reshayushchy dovod. Politisdat, Moscow 1979.
  • Ogon nad peskami: Povest o Pavle Poltorazkom. Politisdat, Moscow 1985.
  • Vosvroneschenije schizni. Sovjetskaja Rossija, Moscow 1985.
  • Bumaschnoye delo. Sovjetskaja Rossija, Moscow 1987.
  • Sijala optina pustyn. Sovjetskaja Rossija, Moscow 1989.
  • Janvar v Tyumeni // Po obe storony Obi. Mysl, Moscow 1989, ISBN 5-244-00312-7 .
  • Smertnyj Tschas. Moskovskij rabotschij, Moscow 1991.
  • Pyuchtitskij Uspenskij Schenskij monastyr. Start, Moscow 1991.
  • Dopros Patriarcha. Graal, Moscow 1997, ISBN 5-7873-0008-4 .
  • Pogruschenije vo mrak. Drevo dobra, Moscow 2002, ISBN 5-93688-005-2 .
  • The holy doctor - Friedrich Joseph Haass. Friedrich Joseph Haass Society, Bad Münstereifel 2007. (Edited by A. Neshnyj. German translation by Maria Klassen). ISBN 9783000231568 .
  • Tam, gde presol satany. Vremja, Moscow 2010.
  • Isgnanije boga. Chleb, Moscow 2011, ISBN 978-5-905187-01-8 .
  • Nimbus. Povest o dokrore Gaase. MI Rudomino VGBIL, Moscow 2013, ISBN 978-5-905626-62-3 .
  • Poslushnitsa Materi Boschejej. MI Rudomino VGBIL, Moscow 2014, ISBN 978-5-905626-62-3 .
  • Voschdelenije. MI Rudomino VGBIL, Moscow 2015, ISBN 978-5-00087-070-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jakov Krotov: Православный писатель Александр Иосифович Нежный. in Radio "Swoboda", February 11, 2011, accessed on August 24, 2017 (Russian).
  2. Александр Нежный: Послесловие к власти . In: Знамя . 2008 ( [accessed on August 24, 2017]).
  3. Александр Нежный: Послесловие к власти . In: Знамя . 2008 ( [accessed on August 24, 2017]).
  4. Evgenij Jamburg: Там, где престол сатаны. Knizhnyj Klub 36.6, accessed August 24, 2017 (Russian).
  5. Jakov Krotov: Православный писатель Александр Иосифович Нежный. Radio "Swoboda", February 11, 2011, accessed on August 24, 2017 (Russian).
  6. Mikhail Rumer-Zaraev: Александр Нежный. Там, где престол сатаны. Боль и ярость. in Znamja 2011, No. 4, accessed on August 24, 2017 (Russian).
  7. CHRISTINE BADKE: A truly merciful doctor and person . In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger . ( [accessed on August 24, 2017]).
  8. Михаил Румер-Зараев: Александр Нежный. Там, где престол сатаны . In: Знамя . 2011 ( [accessed on August 24, 2017]).
  9. Александр Нежный: Послесловие к власти . In: Знамя . 2008 ( [accessed on August 24, 2017]).
  10. Александр Нежный: Послесловие к власти . In: Знамя . 2008 ( [accessed on August 24, 2017]).
  11. Союз Писателей Москвы. Retrieved August 24, 2017 .
  12. Нежный А. "Изгнание Бога" "Книжный Клуб 36.6" ( Retrieved August 24, 2017 .