Alexander Kribic

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Alexander Kribic (born December 17, 1910 in Harburg , † 1978 ) was a German gymnast. He initially trained for the ATV 1865 Harburg, later for the Hamburg gymnastics club from 1816 .

Life and athletic career

In 1924 Kribic started gymnastics at the ATV 1865 Harburg. In what was then Harburg County, he was a multiple 1st district winner. At the German Gymnastics Festival in Stuttgart in 1933 he was able to achieve 25th place in the decathlon. At the Bremer Gaufest in 1935 he was the second decathlon winner and at the German gymnastics championships in 1935 in Frankfurt 13th in the twelve fight.

At the Olympic eliminations in 1935 he was fourth-best gymnast in the northern division.

In 1936 he did gymnastics for the first time in the German team .

In the gymnastics match ATV Harburg against the HTBU on May 31, 1937 in the gym on Klinikweg in Hamburg , Kribic took first place in the individual ranking ahead of Hamburg's top gymnast Walter Behrens .

At the end of March / beginning of April 1938 he did gymnastics as a member of the German team on an advertising trip in Austria. On this trip, 36 top German gymnasts were gathered in two German teams.

In December 1938 he was the only representative of the Nordmark in the A-Class and thus the Reichsriege of the 40 best German gymnasts.

Kribic was North German gymnastics champion four times in a row : 1937 in Harburg, 1938 in Meldorf, 1939 in Bergedorf and 1940 in Kiel.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Turnzeitung Niedersachsen-Nordmark (Volume 15) of April 12, 1938.
  2. Turnzeitung Niedersachsen-Nordmark (volume 15) of April 12, 1938. From 1937 he belonged to the Hamburg gymnastics club from 1816 on.
  3. Hamburger Anzeiger from June 1, 1937 online .
  4. Deutsche Turnzeitung (83rd volume / episode 13) of March 29, 1938. Cf. B. also: Hamburger Nachrichten of March 24, 1938 Online .
  5. Hamburger Anzeiger, December 16, 1938 Online .