Alexander Rossa

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Alexander Rossa (born March 27, 1967 in Flensburg ) is a German author .


Rossa grew up as the son of a naval officer . After training as a restaurant specialist, he signed up as a contract soldier , then worked in the restaurant business and has been working as a computer scientist for several years . According to himself, he began to be interested in emotional intelligence, empathy and mindfulness at an early age.

Alexander Rossa also deals with para-scientific areas such as hermetics and clairvoyance . In the field of fantastic literature, he works on the topics of multiverse and parallel worlds. His more recent literature offers insights into various existentialist debates and philosophical perspectives.

In 1997, while reading various hermetic writings, he came across fragments of an old philosophy and way of life that in the Middle Ages was hidden behind a fool's symbolism. This philosophy fascinated him so much that he put these fragments together to form an overall picture, which resulted in the philosophy of the fool , which became not only the content of his life but also of some of his books.


Rossa has been married since 1989 and has three children, one of whom is severely disabled. His firstborn died just before birth. This terrible experience shaped his entire subsequent life and led him in particular to deal intensively with consciousness research . He lives with his family in Mannheim .

Works by Rossa

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