Alexander Snyckers

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Alexander Snyckers (born October 21, 1879 in Liège ; † August 29, 1945 in Leipzig ) was a Belgian Romance studies and economist who worked in Leipzig.

life and work

Snyckers trained as a teacher in Belgium and then became a translator for export companies in Cologne and Hamburg. In 1904 he went to the Leipzig School of Commerce, founded in 1898, as a teacher of French commercial correspondence . In 1908 he received his doctorate in Antwerp at the Institut supérieur de commerce with the thesis Les chambres des métiers / chambers of crafts (Leipzig 1906). In 1909 he obtained his doctorate in Heidelberg. phil. via The Bank of France. Organization, activity and politics (Heidelberg 1910). During the World War he worked for the German army as head of the translation office of the Political Department of the General Government of Belgium . In 1929 he took over the newly established professorship for culture and economics as well as for the business language of the French language area at the Leipzig Graduate School of Management. In 1937 he was co-founder and director of the interpreting institute at the commercial college. From 1931 to 1933 and from 1937 to 1938 Snyckers was rector of the commercial college. In November 1933 he signed the professors' declaration of Adolf Hitler at German universities and colleges .

Other works

  • La Reichsbank et la Banque de France, leur politique , Paris 1908
  • French and German discount policy with special consideration of the development of the Bank of France , Leipzig 1910 (part of it as a Heidelberg dissertation)
  • (with Otto Straube) Textbook of French commercial and colloquial language , Leipzig 1913, 5th edition ud T. De l'école au bureau. Textbook of French business and colloquial language . Edition A, Leipzig 1939
  • (with Theodor de Beaux) French commercial correspondence for beginners , 7th edition, Leipzig 1921
  • Le Français du commerçant , Leipzig 1923
  • Éléments de correspondance commerciale , Leipzig 1926
  • Manuel du correspondancier , Leipzig 1926
  • Le Langage des affaires , Leipzig / Berlin 1927
  • Duden français. Dictionnaire illustré de la langue française, correspondant au "Bildwortbuch" de Duden , Leipzig 1937
  • French customer in the service of German commercial advertising. Waving for foreign and domestic advertising , Würzburg 1940
  • (with Paul Werny) Dictionnaire des locutions français-allemand , Paris 1976


  • Frank-Rutger Hausmann , "Devoured by the vortex of events". German Romance Studies in the “Third Reich”, 2nd edition, Frankfurt am Main 2008, pp. 728, 763

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