Alexander Zalmanov

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Alexander Zalmanov ( Russian Абрам (Александр) Соломонович Залманов ), born Abram Solomonovich Zalmanow , also Alexandre Salmanoff (born June 8 . Jul / 20th June  1875 greg. In Homel ; † 24. January 1964 in Paris , France ) was a Russian and French doctor , gerontologist .

Abram Solomonowitsch Zalmanov was born on June 20, 1875 in Homel in the family of a teacher at the Jewish school of Homel Solomon Danilowitsch Zalmanov. At the baptism the name Alexander was given. In 1893 he graduated from high school with a gold medal and entered Moscow University at the medical faculty. In the fourth year he switched to the law faculty and at the same time attended lectures on the history given by the historian Klyuchevsky . After the all-Russian student strike in 1899, he was arrested among its organizers and expelled from the university. He graduated from the medical faculty of Heidelberg University . He worked as an assistant to a neuropathologist, Professor W. Erb in Heidelberg, and then became director of a spa hospital in Nervi.

In 1914, with the outbreak of World War I , Zalmanov returned to Moscow, was appointed general of the medical service and served on the front lines under Białystok as chief of hospital trains and as a surgeon . Later he was chief physician of the soldiers' hospitals in Moscow.

Together with Professor Sysin, he edited a medical journal dealing with clinical observations of military wounds.

In August 1918, Zalmanov was appointed the first head of the main spa administration and at the same time head of the state commission for the fight against tuberculosis .

In 1921 he traveled to Europe for continuing education and improving the development of spa research. He stayed in Europe and did not return to Russia.

Zalmanov died in Paris on January 24, 1965 and was buried in the cemetery in L'Étang-la-Ville .


  • Alexandre Salmanoff. Secrets et sagesse du corps. , Paris: La Table ronde, 1958.
    • Alexandre Salmanoff. Mysterious wisdom of the body. , Ulm / Danube: Haug, 1961.
  • Alexandre Salmanoff. Le Miracle de la vie. , Paris: La Table ronde, 1960.
  • Alexandre Salmanoff. Les Mille chemins de la guérison. De la cellule au soleil. , Paris: La Table ronde, 1965.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Константинова С .: Скипидарный доктор . In: Изобретатель и рационализатор . No. 12 , 2011 (Russian).
  2. Горький и русская журналистика начала XX века: Неизданная переписка . tape 95 . Наука, M. 1988 (Russian).
  3. a b Пустильник С.Н .: Еретик от медицины . Ed .: Независимая газета. 2008 (Russian, ).
  4. Russian scientists abroad. Retrieved February 19, 2020 .
  5. a b Белгородская правда (ed.): О Залманове . 2011 (Russian).
  6. Иоффе Э.Г .: По достоверным источникам: Евреи в истории городов Беларуси. . Ed .: Четыре четверти. Минск 2001 (Russian).
  7. Черниговский: Предисловие к книге « Тайная мудрость человеческого организма » . Ed .: Наука. Ленинград 1966 (Russian).
  8. Каменев Ю.Я .: А.С. Залманов. Капилляротерапия и натуротерапия болезней. Невский проспект, СПб 2003 (Russian).