Alfons Kaps

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Alfons Kaps (born April 3, 1901 in Neustadt i. Ob. Schles. , † March 1, 1943 ) was a German communist and resistance fighter against the Nazi regime .

After attending secondary school in what is now Wuppertal, Alfons Kaps learned the profession of waiter. In 1923 he became a member of the KPD and after the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists headed an illegal cell in Wuppertal-Süd. In 1934 he emigrated to the Netherlands , where he was supported by the Red Aid , but later secretly returned to Germany. From 1937 he worked with the group around Wilhelm Knöchel and Willi Seng who were trying to set up a resistance group in the Ruhr area. Kaps produced pamphlets, including the underground magazine with the theme " Peace Freedom Progress " (F-Aktion), distributed leaflets and other communist newspapers.

On January 12, 1943, Alfons Kaps was arrested in Düsseldorf after being denounced. Under torture, he betrayed Willi Seng, who was arrested on January 20, 1943. After the indictment was brought, Kaps committed suicide in March 1943.

Alfons Kaps' brothers, Alois and Paul , were also active in the resistance against the Nazi regime and were also arrested. Alois Kaps died after his imprisonment on January 25, 1943 under unknown circumstances. Paul Kaps was executed in Dortmund on January 5, 1945 , as was the husband of Alfons Kaps' niece, Ludwig Hinrichs , in September 1944.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Gebauer: The KPD department in Düsseldorf . Hamburg 2011. pp. 230f.
  2. Alois Kaps on
  3. Paul Kaps on
  4. Louis Hinrichs on