Alfons Velz

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Alfons Velz (born April 21, 1951 in Büllingen ) is a Belgian politician of the free citizen list ProDG ("Pro German-speaking Community"). Since 2009 he has been a member of the parliament of the German-speaking Community and since 2011 the parliamentary group leader of ProDG.


Alfons Velz studied German (Master) at the University of Liège (AESS). From 1973 to 2011 he worked as a high school teacher (teacher) for German, English, history, art history and computer science at the Episcopal School St. Vith. In his free time he is involved in church, social and cultural bodies; from 1980 to 2011 he was secretary of the church factory in Mürringen-Hünningen and from 1990 to 2010 secretary and president of the aero and model club Feuervogel Büllingen. He is a co-founder of the Friends of the Episcopal School St. Vith and the free citizen list ProDG.

Alfons Velz has directed the theater association Mürringen since 1973 and in the children's theater group "Theaterkiste" until 2002. Since 2003 he has been the director of the Schönberg Passion Play. Velz is married and has three children.

Tasks in the DG Parliament

  • Member of Committee I on General Policy, Petitions, Finance and Cooperation
  • Member of the control committee (control of the public notices of the authorities of the German-speaking community, the electoral expenditure, the supplementary party financing, the monitoring of the regulation in terms of office and compensation limits, the disputes in the matter of the obligation to deposit the list of all mandates and functions or asset declaration)
  • Deputy member of Committee III for Education, Training and Adult Education
  • Deputy member of Committee IV for Health and Social Affairs
  • Group leader

Web links

Individual evidence
