Alfonso of Aragon

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Alfons of Aragón ( Catalan: Alfons d'Aragó ; Spanish: Alfonso de Aragón ; * 1228 ; † 1260 in Calatayud ) was a crown prince of the Kingdom of Aragón from the House of Barcelona .

The cover plate of the tomb of Alfonso de Aragón in Santa María de Veruela.


The coat of arms of Alfonso of Aragón, created after the representation on his grave slab.

Alfonso was the only child of King James I of Aragon from his first marriage to Eleanor of Castile . He was probably born in the first days of the year 1228, since his father had the Aragonese-Catalan greats gathered in Daroca swear on him as the sole heir of the land conglomerate of the Crown of Aragón in February of that year . The by Pope Gregory IX. In April 1229 the annulment of his parents' marriage because of too close relatives did not affect his own legitimacy, which was recognized by the papal side.

In 1260 Alfons in Calatayud married the heiress of the County of Bigorre , Konstanze , eldest daughter of Vice Count Gaston VII of Béarn from the House of Montcada . But just a few days after the wedding, he died in the same place and was buried in the Abbey of Santa María de Veruela . Since he had no offspring, his half-brother Peter III. the main heir of the father.


  • Thomas N. Bisson: A General Court of Aragon (Daroca, February 1228) , in: The English Historical Review , Vol. 92 (1977), pp. 107-124.


  1. On the annulment of the parents' marriage, see: Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio vol. 23, ed. by Giovanni Domenico Mansi (1779), col. 205-207 .
  2. Jéronimo Zurita , Anales de la corona de Aragón , ed. by Ángel Canellas López (1967), Vol. 1, Lib. 3, §60.