Alfredo Possolo Hogan

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Alfredo Possolo Hogan (born November 29, 1830 in Lisbon ; † April 16, 1865 ibid) was a Portuguese writer who worked primarily as a novelist and playwright. In the second half of the 19th century, the work enjoyed great popularity - even posthumously - in Lisbon, where it was often played and read.

Live and act

Alfredo Possolo Hogan was born to Federico Hogan de Mendoça. In spite of his great success as a dramatist, he remained active as a post office clerk, especially in Lisbon, and sometimes struggled with severe financial problems.

His works, mainly novels and plays, were shaped by Alexandre Dumas the Elder and Eugene Sue . He was a frequent and quick writer, which was not always without errors. Alfredo Possolo Hogan was a supporter of "Black Romanticism" in Portugal, which he incorporated into his work in abundance and was therefore long considered a leading exponent of his time in this genre in Portugal. The poet had become extremely popular in the second half - even posthumously. His pieces were played a lot up to the turn of the century and his books were bestsellers in Portugal for decades , although by today's standards they have to be classified as trivial literature .

Alfredo Hogan died on April 16, 1865 at the age of 34 in Lisbon.


  • Misterios de Lisboa, (4 volumes), 1851, novel.
  • Dois angelos ou um casamento forçado, (2 volumes), 1851.
  • Marco Tulio ou o agente dos jesuitas, 1853, novel.
  • A mão do finado, 1854, novel.
  • Os dissapadores, 1858, play.
  • A mascara social, 1861, play.
  • Nem tudo que luz e oiro, 1861, play.
  • A vida em Lisboa, 1861, play.
  • O juizo do mundo, 1861, play.
  • O dia de primeiro de Dezembro de 1640, 1862, play.
