Algirdas Čiučelis

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Algirdas Čiučelis (born February 10, 1938 in Armonys , Rokiškis district ; † February 20, 2008 in Vilnius ) was a Lithuanian politician of Vilnius, former mayor and deputy mayor.


Čiučelis graduated from the Armoniai elementary school and the Juodupė Progymnasium near Rokiškis . He started working from the age of 14. He completed the accountant courses in Vilnius and at the age of 16 worked as a chief accountant in the Obeliai district . He studied at Obeliai junior high school, where he graduated from high school. From 1955 to 1960 he graduated from the Vilniaus valstybinis universitetas . In 1973 he received his doctorate at the Vilniaus inžinerinis statybos institutas , after which he taught at the institute. He headed the chair for theoretical mechanics , from 1993 he was dean of the faculty.

In 1997 Čiučelis was mayor of Vilnius , from 1999 to 2000 first deputy mayor.


  • Leonidas Syrus, Petras Baradokas, Edvard Michnevič, Algirdas Čiučelis. Teorinė mechanika. Kinematics. Mokomoji knyga. 2006. ISBN 9955-28-010-7 .
  • Petras Gailutis Adomėnas, Algirdas Čiučelis. Data Aggregation Sets in Adaptive Data Model // Informatica ISSN  0868-4952 , Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, 2002.
  • Petras Gailutis Adomėnas, Algirdas Čiučelis, Rolandas Griškevičius. Integration of applied problems in an adaptive data model. Proceedings of the Thuireenth International Conference on Information Systems Development. ISBN 9986-05-762-0 , 2004.


  1. Vyriausiosios rinkimų komisijos duomenys ( Memento from October 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive )