Alice Sabatini

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Alice Sabatini (born October 12, 1996 in Montalto di Castro ) is an Italian basketball player (Santa Marinella Basket - Serie A2 ) and Miss Italy 2015.

Sabatini comes from Montalto di Castro. Sabatini won the Miss Italy beauty contest in 2015, and she was one of the few Misses to win the contest with short hair. Her statement caused a sensation that she would have liked to have lived in 1942 and witnessed the Second World War.

She studies fashion design and is engaged to the Italian basketball player Gabriele Benetti.

supporting documents

  1. Miss Italia, Vincent Alice Sabatini
  2. Miss Italia 2015 ( Memento from October 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Comunicato Stampa
  4. Spiegel: Beauty Queen under review: Miss Italia would have liked to have lived in war . Article dated September 23, 2015, accessed September 29, 2015.
  5. FAZ: The statements of Miss Italia: My favorite year? 1942! . Article dated September 24, 2015, accessed September 29, 2015.
  6. Alice Sabatini, stress da Miss Italia: “Ero ingrassata 15 chili e ho vissuto momenti difficili” ,, July 12, 2018