Alison Smithson

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Peter and Alison Smithson

Alison Margaret Smithson (born June 22, 1928 in Sheffield , † August 16, 1993 in London ) was a British architect .


Alison Smithson studied at the University of Durham , where she also met her future husband, Peter Smithson . In 1950 they founded their architecture firm APS in London , which they ran together until the death of Alison Smithson in 1993.

More about the work of the two under Alison and Peter Smithson .

Web links

Commons : Alison and Peter Smithson  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Dirk Meyhöfer: From the secret of the cabinet door . Deutschlandfunk , Das Feature , June 20, 2014 (June 22, 2014)