Alyaksey Lyasnichy

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Aljaksej Ljasnitschy ( Belarusian Аляксей Ляснічы ; born February 3, 1978 ) is a former Belarusian athlete .

The high jumper set his personal best in August 2003 with a height of 2.30 m. At the World Championships shortly afterwards in Paris , however, he was eliminated with 2.25 m in qualification. In 2004 Lesnitschij took part in the Olympic Games in Athens , where he remained without a valid attempt. He was also tested positive for Clenbuterol during doping control , banned from the games and banned for two years.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Doping: A Chronology of the Cases of Athens August 30, 2004
  2. Athletes Sanctioned for a Doping Offence Committed 2003-2008 ( Memento from August 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive )