Allenstein newspaper

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The Allensteiner Zeitung was a German-language newspaper in Allenstein in East Prussia .

In 1841 a newspaper appeared in Allenstein under the title Allensteiner Kreisblatt . The editor was Karl-Heinrich Harich. He had immigrated from Leipzig and founded printing companies in Hohenstein , Allenstein, Konitz , Mohrungen and Marienwerder. In 1881 the name of the newspaper was changed to Allensteiner Zeitung .

One of his descendants, Ernst Harich, founded a limited liability company in 1921. He sold this on July 1, 1923 to a consortium with a German national focus. In the following years, the Alonesteiner Zeitung grew to become the leading newspaper organ for the Allenstein, Rössel and Neidenburg districts.

In 1937 the newspaper was acquired by WE Harich Nachhaben GmbH in Allenstein, Zeppelinstrasse. 16, published. The publisher was Franz Kaspereit. Erich Klemer acted as editor-in-chief and his deputy was Alios Protmann. The advertising division was headed by Max Wichmann. The newspaper appeared six days a week with a length of 12 pages. On Saturday the newspaper was 24 pages long. The circulation in 1937 was 9418 pieces.

The supplements consisted of the Sunday paper , Harichs Landwirtschaftlicher Anzeiger , Das Blatt der Frau , the border maps of German culture , youth in the East , For youth , defense and weapons , Southeast Prussian sports reports , health care at home and at work, and traveling and hiking .

Employees of the newspaper were Goetz von Niebelschütz in Athens, Radke in Danzig and Rademacher von Unna in Vienna and Budapest. In the course of the occupation of East Prussia by the Red Army in 1945, the newspaper was discontinued.

The newspaper Gazeta Olsztynska , which appears today in the former Allenstein, today Olsztyn , is a Polish-language newspaper and has no historical context to the former Allenstein newspaper .


  • Karl O. Kurth (Ed.): Manual of the press of the expellees . Verlag Holzner, Kitzingen-Main 1953 (from the Göttingen working group ).
  • Carl Schneider (Hrsg.): Handbook of the German daily press . 6th edition. Armanen-Verlag, Leipzig 1937 (scientifically accompanied by the Institute for Newspaper Studies, University of Berlin).