Alliance in German transport (road transport)

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The " Alliance in German Transport (Road Transport) eV " ( AidT eV for short ) is a registered association and is committed to improving working conditions for professional drivers (BKF) in the field of traffic safety, combined with education about the profession.

The primary goal of the "Alliance in German Transport (Road Transport)" as an eV is the traffic and workplace safety of the BKF with preservation to the workplace. " AidT eV " is registered as an association in Solingen. The chairman is Udo Skoppeck.


The " Actie in de Transport Germany " was created on February 22nd, 2013 on the initiative of Udo Skoppeck and advocates the interests of the German BKF. The "Actie" ohne eV only wants to help to enforce the demands of the BKF and thus make the profession more attractive again. The "Actie in de Transport" known in commercial road haulage was the forerunner and came from the Netherlands and means: "Action in transport". The BKF from the Netherlands were the initiators of this international grouping, in which meanwhile the BKF and also transport companies from European countries have come together to improve something in the industry. This “ Actie ” without a registered association existed in Denmark, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Finland and Austria. The original "founding meeting" of the eV on February 22, 2013 consisted of 12 people. The BKF originally wanted to establish the association by "taking over" an existing, no longer active association, which for various reasons did not materialize.

Therefore, on January 5, 2014, in a new founding meeting, the originally elected board with new statutes for the registered association “Alliance in German Transport (Road Transport) eV” (AidT eV) was elected and confirmed by the prescribed minimum number of founding members. The association was then resolved with various small amendments requested by the court in the statutes of the AidTeV and legally entered in the register of associations in Solingen.


The purpose of the association is:

  • Information and education for and by drivers for a considerate coexistence in road traffic
  • Promotion of accident prevention in road traffic
  • Creating closeness to the citizens, which leads to better cooperation and more acceptance on the streets
  • Support for people who got into emergency situations through no fault of their own (e.g. through donation campaigns or voluntary active help from individual members of the association) through the "AidT eV hilft" campaign
  • active promotion of community and thus the improvement of the image of the profession of driver in the public


The AidT eV structure is set up as follows:

  • "Alliance in German Transport (Road Transport)" eV -> Association umbrella
  • Aidt eV clarifies = action group -> professional image / education
  • Aidt eV helps = action group -> charitable purposes
  • Fair KEP = action group -> concerns of the courier express parcel service
  • Actie in de Transport Germany = action group -> political demands

Action groups appear with their own logo and could be co-managed by the association. When it comes to sponsors and the public, each actie group can appear independently for the respective campaign. This is to ensure that the political goals do not stand in the way of the other tasks in the association.

The association “Alliance in German Transport” is not to be equated with the “Actie in de Transport Germany” group. The admin or working groups in Facebook are not the board. Anyone who, as a citizen, finds the constellation in the board, statutes, structure or contribution in order and observes it, can join the association. This has no consequences in the Actie group. Every BKF who is involved in the "Actie" does not have to be in the club. Conversely, not every BKF who joins has to be active in the political sector and / or the FB group. Of course, it would be desirable if many stakeholders would join, because every flyer, every action, every demo and security campaign also cost money, which could be financed at least partially through donations and according to the association's statutes.


Through the BKF initiative " Actie in de Transport Germany " (Eng. "Action in the German Transport System"), which was founded as a national idea in the Netherlands in February 2013, German BKF and transport entrepreneurs had come under the Actie as an international group Founded seven times to protest with many trucks in German cities in order to correctly explain the situation in the industry, because the time for German transport companies would have expired without cabotage restrictions and they would not be able to survive in the competition in international long-distance transport.

There were protests with trucks in Berlin June 1, 2013, Cologne August 10, 2013, Lübeck August 31, 2013, Dortmund October 15, 2013, Aschaffenburg November 16, 2013, Dresden March 22, 2014 and Mannheim May 17, 2014.

On April 14, 2014, two members of AidT eV could immediately see that there must be a significant contradiction to the report COM (2014) 222 for 2014 submitted to the EU Parliament by the EU Commission in Brussels . The report on the state of commercial road haulage in the EU had, among others, for the AidT activists and petitioners: Udo Skoppeck and Gregor Ter Heide , immediate intervention through the so-called BKF petition to the EU Parliament and as a complaint to the EU Commission made necessary.

Handover of the BKF petition files

In the BKF petition of the EU No. 2711/2014, 5 of the following demands were included:

  1. The driver's cab must guarantee an available quiet space of 6 m²
  2. The opt-out iZm. Readiness for work and standby duty is ended
  3. The regular weekly rest time must be at the center of life
  4. An EU collective agreement regulation and an EU collective agreement register
  5. An EU-wide minimum salary for all BKF of 12, - € per hour

It was stated in great detail in the petition with 160 a4 pages that if, with harmonization in the EU, free, fair and safe competition in commercial road haulage in connection with humane social regulations and salaries of the BKF, could actually be "guaranteed" only the complete cabotage clearance in connection with Reason No. 5 of Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009. Since 2014 it has been very clear to everyone who is involved in commercial road haulage that the joint international claim had to be submitted through a BKF petition and / or a BKF complaint . The joint demand of the international BKF and the petitioners is that above all politicians are obliged to act within the meaning of Section 95 TFEU , so that the enormous east-west divide in freight prices and salaries that has arisen as a result of the opening of the transport market is harmonized becomes. They do not turn against the Eastern European colleagues or the forwarding agents, but demand according to § 91 TFEU ​​the same conditions and prerequisites so that fair competition is possible and everyone can survive before cabotage is fully liberalized and released on the basis of § 92 TFEU. A first step would be not to question the cabotage regulations any further, and a second step would be to monitor these regulations or make them controllable - for example with regard to recording obligations. In any case, this would have to be applicable law until the conditions for commercial road haulage in the EU are largely harmonized. In view of the strong market shifts in Germany and the EU in recent years, it may a. AidT also decided against further liberalization of cabotage traffic in order to guarantee fair competition through reason no. 5 of Regulation (EC) no. 1072/2009. It is currently clear that there must be no further market opening for cabotage at this point in time. A fair competition naturally also includes fair salaries for all BKFs in the EU, since otherwise a ruinous freight price and salary competition can only be carried out on their backs. According to the ECJ judgment C-184/13 of September 4, 2014, whose freight forwarders do not prescribe minimum freight prices in commercial road haulage, individual EU states can therefore only remain within the freight price range, the low BKF salaries.

further activities

On December 15, 2013, a petition on Regulation (EG) 561/2006 Art. 8 (8) on the regular weekly rest period of the BKF was submitted to the Petitions Committee in the German Bundestag by Udo Skoppeck for the AidT January 2014 was submitted in writing (by post). On October 13, 2015, the chairman of AidT eV, Udo Skoppeck, was informed that the petition Pe-1-18-12-9302-003934 was resolved as petition no. 47888 , in the sense of the " Actie in de Transport Germany " and as The second highest level was handed over to the German Bundestag by the Transport Committee. Only after the publication by Udo Schiefner (Member of the Bundestag), on November 4, 2015, Udo Skoppeck wrote on Facebook:

Thanks to all the Actie-vists who have been involved and who have always supported us through our demos and campaigns. Patience is now gradually paying off ... and petitions bring something, nothing happened for free! "

In addition to petition 2711/20114 from AidT eV, petition 1254/2015 on the “regular weekly rest period” (rWRZ) was referred to the EMPL and TRAN committees on June 3, 2016 with the respective petition issues . The EU Commission was asked to comment on certain questions. This petition 1254/2015 on the "regular weekly rest period" (rWRZ) during the 45 hours was referred back to Germany by resolution of the EU Parliament and was nationally amended by a legal change in the FPersG § 8a (1) No. 2 / § 8a (2) No. 1 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1214) completed on April 24, 2017 on Art. 8 (8) Regulation (EC) 561/2006.

Udo Skoppeck / Gregor Ter Heide May 18, 2018

From September 24th to 27th, 2015, the simple association of BKF as AidT eV was able to present itself to the public with a large exhibition stand at NUFAM with over 300 exhibitors on more than 60,000 m². There were numerous market leaders at NUFAM, the entire range of services: with trucks and trailers at NUFAM in Karlsruhe. For the first time in the “history of the commercial vehicle industry”, simple BKF and their association were able to present their own stand with the distance campaign , so that AidT eV could show the distance notice on the trailer's rear door to the many BKFs. This enabled the AidT distance company to be a success and to be applied to the rear of other truck trailers. Also in 2017 the AidT eV distance campaign with trucks including trailers was presented at the exhibition stand.

On November 25, 2015, Udo Skoppeck was invited to Berlin by SPD members of the Transport Committee to speak to the SPD parliamentary group on the subject of "Transport and Logistics at the Limit". Udo Skoppeck and Gregor Ter Heide were also able to explain the “digital consignment note” (eCMR) (35 a4 pages) in the “Digitization” working group, which was then officially handed over to the responsible politicians at the end of the conference.

On August 2, 2016, the AidT eV chairman, Udo Skoppeck, filed a constitutional complaint with the BVerfG in Karlsruhe. a. because of the BKF's right to at home and the driver's cab problem (5.25 sqm / parking air conditioner / soundproofing) with a total of 33 a4 pages, submitted, which was accepted for the decision BVerfG 1 BvR 279/17. In the decision on the rejection judgment, this constitutional complaint was not imposed on the state as legislator, but theoretically on the tariff partners (ver.di / BGL).

The AidT eV distance campaign was shown in 2016 at the Rüssel truck show at the SVG Autohof Lohfelder Rüssel in Kassel. In the Stöffel Park at the 6th trucker meeting in the Westerwald, AidT eV was able to present the TRIXI ® -SPIEGEL to the public for the first time with a large stand on a movable set of traffic lights. Now the action against the blind spot and the distance campaign could be seen together in public for the first time.

AidT in Stöffel Park 2018

On March 6, 2017, the AidT eV chairman, Udo Skoppeck, was able to organize a detailed hearing on account of the rWRZ in the 97th meeting of the Committee for Transport and Digital Infrastructure in Berlin from 2:00 p.m. chaired by: Reinhold Sendker MdB. The draft law BT-Drucksache 18/10882 was passed on March 8, 2017 with only 1 abstention in the transport committee. The Bundestag decided on March 9, 2017 and the Bundesrat at its 956th session on March 31.

AidT eV had organized a Christmas campaign every year since 2013, with many of the friends and members from all over Germany taking part and handing home-baked cookies, fruit and bags of candy to the sad lonely truck drivers / BKF from the CEE states for the Christmas holidays .

At the 2018 annual general meeting of the Association for Freight Transport and Logistics Hessen e. V. , AidT eV demonstrated the "TRIXI ® -SPIEGEL" campaign against the blind spot when the truck turns, through active awareness-raising with an exhibition traffic light with an attached mirror. The active AidT eV member Andreas Kernke organized a "TRIXI ® -SPIEGEL" for his home town of Emmerthal and installed it there at that time.

On July 19, 2020 and August 24, 2020, Udo Skoppeck from the AidT organized two large truck demonstrations in Berlin with the transport entrepreneur Konstantin Popov "BLV pro Initiative - Spedition und Logistik". The distortion of competition caused by cabotage and the low freight prices were the main issues. Over 200 trucks blocked the road on June 17 in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Individual evidence

  1. AIDT statutes of the association
  2. AidT Germany introduces itself ...
  3. movie AIDT Udo Skoppeck and Katja lard .... Time is running out ...
  4. ^ The first year of Actie in de Transport Germany from 2013
  5. ^ Alliance in the German transport sector on Facebook
  6. ^ The problems of the situation in commercial road haulage in 2013
  7. Film from the ruinous BKF salary competition on Germany's streets
  8. Actie in de Transport Video based on the motto " I am for that we are against "
  9. Demo Berlin June 1, 2013
  10. ^ Demo Cologne August 10, 2013
  11. Demo Lübeck August 31, 2013
  12. Demo Dortmund October 15, 2013
  13. ^ Demo Aschaffenburg November 16, 2013
  14. Demo Dresden March 22, 2014
  15. Demo Mannheim May 17, 2014
  16. REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the state of the road transport market in the Union
  17. Recital No. 5 to Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009
  18. ^ BKF petition
  19. AidT
  20. Note on the further opening of the market for cabotage
  21. Decision ECJ C-184/13
  22. Film on the "regular weekly rest period"
  23. AidTeV distance Campaign
  24. ^ Trunk truck show in Kassel
  25. Stöffel Park: The tucks are coming
  26. moving works of art and captains of the Landstrasse (AK-Kurier on October 7, 2018 - Medienverlag Westerwald-Sieg)
  27. Expert opinion from the chairman of the AidTeV for the transport committee because of the problem of the "regular weekly rest period" of the BKF
  28. AidT Christmas campaign
  29. “Trixi mirror” campaign against the blind spot
  30. With "Trixi-Spiegel" against accidents
  31. Trixi mirror should ensure safety when turning (newspaper: DEWEZET and the Pyrmonter Nachrichten on September 27, 2018)
  32. David Gutensohhn: He is stuck in a traffic jam voluntarily. In: July 28, 2020, accessed August 20, 2020 .
  33. FSVO pro initiative - forwarding and logistics "
  34. Lkw Korsos Berlin - Protest dumping wages, freight prices from RBB on July 24th, 2020