Alois Beran-Polly

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Alois Beran-Polly (born June 16, 1884 , Austria-Hungary , † May 20, 1945 in Langenlois ) was an Austrian painter , composer and author.


He graduated from the teacher training institute in Brno and worked as a teacher at various locations, including Vienna. In 1925 he retired and then devoted himself to painting, composing and writing. He lived with his wife Maria in Klosterneuburg and spent the summer in Langenlois.

As a painter, he was largely self-taught, took private lessons and took courses in figural drawing at the Vienna School of Applied Arts. Later he exhibited regularly in the "Association of Local Artists Klosterneuburg", in the Glaspalast, Burggarten Vienna and in the Galerie Würthle. His pictures and drawings are in the Albertina Vienna , in the city museum and in the city administration of Klosterneuburg, in the town hall and in the local history museum Langenlois as well as in private ownership.

Alois Beran-Polly was also self-taught as a composer, but studied counterpoint and composition with Franz Ritter for two years. Works for house and chamber music have been published by Goll in Vienna and by Hohler and Schäffler in Karlsbad. His compositions can be viewed in the Vienna Music Collection.

As an author and translator, he devoted himself to cultural-philosophical studies, wrote essays on music and was influenced by Oswald Spengler's cultural pessimism. He also translated texts from Russian.

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