Altar of Saints Wolfgang, Kosmas and Damian

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Altar of Saints Wolfgang, Kosmas and Damian

The altar of Saints Wolfgang, Kosmas and Damian in the church of St. Michael in Schwäbisch Hall is a late Gothic winged altar from the end of the 15th century. It is located in the 2nd choir chapel from the south.


In the simple shrine, St. Wolfgang stands in front of a painted curtain of honor , flanked by Saints Cosmas and Damian , the patron saints of doctors. All three sculptures are original focus . Wolfgang is dressed as a bishop and carries an open book and a model of the church, his usual attributes , in his hands. Damian on the right holds a can of ointments and pills, Kosmas has a bottle in his hand.

The altar wings are each divided into two registers, the individual images show scenes from the life of St. Wolfgang. At the top of the right wing, the saint knocks a spring of water out of the rock. In the lower zone he draws crosses with his right index finger on rock that threatens to fall on him. A male donor figure kneels in the corner .

The upper picture on the second wing shows Wolfgang throwing the ax from the Falkenstein mountain to the place where the future Falkenstein church is to be built. In the lower register, Wolfgang's corpse is depicted in front of the city gates of Regensburg , complementary to the opposite wing, a female donor figure kneels.
