Old town museum Hinkelsturm

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Old town museum Hinkelsturm
place Darmstadt
architect Christiane Geelhaar
opening May 31, 1997
Freundeskreis Stadtmuseum Darmstadt e. V.

The Hinkelsturm Old Town Museum is a museum in Darmstadt .


The old town museum is the second smallest museum in Darmstadt after the sports gallery at the Großer Woog , but since it opened in 1997 it has had more visitors - per square meter - than the German Museum in Munich .

For the first time ever, a Hessian Monument Protection Prize was awarded to Darmstadt for the two objects.

The “Freundeskreis Stadtmuseum Darmstadt eV”, founded in 1989, is responsible for the old town museum. V. "

The Hinkelsturm old town museum is the successor to the town museum in the old pedagogue that was destroyed in an air raid in 1944 .

The museum was financed through donations.

In this way, DM 1 million could be invested (including personal contribution) - without any municipal funds (apart from the work of Christiane Geelhaar from the municipal building department, who received an award for good architecture in Hesse).

The groundbreaking ceremony for the museum took place in July 1994. However, the space between the city walls on Lindenhofstrasse first had to be cleared of a high layer of rubble.

At the opening of the old town museum, the completed model of the old town was presented by Christian Häussler, who had previously designed four relief panels (old town around 1850) that were placed in front of the museum in Lindenhofstrasse.

The old town museum today

The approximately 100 members of the Freundeskreis Stadtmuseum develop exhibitions on their own, collect donations and expertly guide visitors through the museum in the Hinkelsturm.

Life in the old town of Darmstadt, of which only the inn "Goldene Krone" remains, is presented on three floors.

The tower

The Hinkel tower, rebuilt from natural stones, has a total height of approx. 16 m and stands in the middle of the western part of the double city wall, which runs roughly from north to south. With a square floor plan, it has an edge length of 5.3 m and has barred doors in the lower area on both sides of the city wall. The old town museum is located in the upper part of the tower. Access to the museum is between the double city wall from the north side via 38 steps of a metal staircase that leads next to the city wall to a 7.4 m high platform on the wall and on this to the entrance door.

In the tower there are three superimposed rooms with an internal dimension of almost 4 x 4 m, of which the top two can be reached via 10-step stairs. The top floor houses the model of the old town and a stereoscope through which different views of the model can be viewed in three dimensions. At the same time, this 12.7 m high level with the almost room-high all-round glazing serves as a viewing level from which one can see very well the city center with the former old town. The most conspicuous feature of the Hinkelsturm is a protruding glass roof, which is attached all around at the level of the upper edge of the glazing.

Picture gallery

See also


Web links

Commons : Hinkelsturm  - Collection of images

References and comments

  1. a b c d e Information based on measurements carried out privately

Coordinates: 49 ° 52 ′ 19.2 "  N , 8 ° 39 ′ 32.9"  E