Alvarus Thomaz

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Alvarus Thomaz (* 15th century; † 16th century) can also be found in literature as Alvarus Thomas, Álvaro Tomás or Alvaro Thomaz, was a Portuguese mathematician and physicist at the beginning of the 16th century. The full title of his only surviving book from 1509 is Liber de triplici motu proportionibus annexis magistri Alvari Thomae Ulixbonensis philosophicas Suiseth calculationes ex parte declarans . In the scholastic tradition, the philosophical concepts of local movement (motus localis), increase (augmentatio) and change (alteratio) are discussed. Of particular importance for Alvarus are the texts of the so-called Oxford calculators from Merton College , a group of natural philosophers from the 14th century. In dealing with the Aristotelian concept of movement, they developed the categorization into uniform and irregular movements, the analysis of which is devoted to Alvarus' work.

Apart from his work Liber de triplici motu , very little is known about Alvarus. Between 1510 and 1521 - possibly earlier - he studied and taught in various faculties at the University of Paris . In addition to natural philosophy , Alvarus also dealt with medicine , in which he obtained his doctorate in 1518.
