Amelia Nakhare

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Amelia Nakhara

Amélia Tomás Taime Muendane Nakhare , or Amélia Nakhare for short, is a Mozambican economist and politician ( FRELIMO ). Since September 2015, Nakhare has headed Mozambique's national tax authority .


Amélia Nakhare initially trained as a Portuguese teacher in 1983/84 and then taught at various Maputo secondary schools. Between 1987 and 1991 Nakahre received additional training in customs at the Maputo Business School .

In 1992 Nakhare moved to the national statistical office , where she took on the position of coordinator for statistics on foreign trade. She continued to rise in the authority until she took over the position of head of the national statistical office in 2009 and headed it until 2010. Parallel to her career in the agency, Nakhare studied economics at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (graduated in 1997) and business management at the Catholic University of Mozambique (until 2015).

In 2011, President Armando Guebuza appointed Nakhare to the cabinet , and she took over the post of Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Planning and Development from Maria José Lucas . Together with the department head Aiuba Cuereneia , she headed the ministry until 2014. After Nyusi was elected to the presidency, in whose election campaign she was particularly active for him, Nakhare left the cabinet and she moved to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, where she was also deputy head from January to August 2015. In September 2015, Nyusi appointed Nakhare as head of the national tax authority ( Autoridade Tributária de Moçambique ), it replaced Rosário Fernandes . The media criticized the replacement as Fernandes was considered to be extremely experienced and Nakhare was considered inexperienced. Her successor as Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance was determined by President Nyusi in March 2016, when he appointed Maria Isaltina Lucas .

In December 2015, Nakhare asked the Mozambican population to pay more taxes, as only around one percent of the population pays taxes. In her role as head of the tax authority, she cut the number of managerial positions in the authority by half in 2016 due to the Mozambican economic crisis.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Revista Biografia - Curtas notas biográficas de Amélia Nakhare. (No longer available online.) In: May 20, 2016, archived from the original on September 13, 2016 ; Retrieved September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).
  2. Amélia Nakhare nomeada Vice-Ministra since Planificação e Desenvolvimento. Ministério da Economia e Finanças, 2011, accessed September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).
  3. a b Cessou funções um dos melhores gestores públicos de Moçambique: Rosário Fernandes. In: A Verdade. September 28, 2015, Retrieved September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).
  4. Idnorcio Muchanga: Amélia Nakhare preside Autoridade Tributaria. In: Jornal Domingo. September 23, 2015. Retrieved September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).
  5. Xiconhocas da semana: Amélia Nakhare; Deputados do partido Frelimo; Partido Renamo. In: A Verdade. April 15, 2016, Retrieved September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).
  6. Nyusi appoints Maria Isaltina Lucas Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance. In: Club of Mozambique. March 28, 2016, accessed December 13, 2017 .
  7. ^ Moçambique - So 1% dos contribuintes moçambicanos paga impostos. In: Diário de Notícias. December 7, 2015, accessed September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).
  8. José dos Remédios: Amélia Nakhare reduced para metade número de directores da AT para aliviar contas do Estado. In: O País. May 29, 2016. Retrieved September 4, 2016 (Portuguese).