Amos (Jerusalem)

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Amos was the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem (594–601).

There is a letter from Pope Gregory the Great to Anastasius, the Hegumenos of the Nea monastery. In it Gregory exhorts the monks to give up their worldly way of life and calls for an end to the dispute between the Jerusalem patriarch Amos and the Nea Church .

Amos built a church to the north of the walls of Jerusalem dedicated to Saint John, which existed in the early 7th century.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Patrologia Graeca , LXXVII, 890.
  2. ^ A. Mertens: Amos, patriarch of Jerusalem, 601. In: Who was a Christian in the Holy Land? Archived from the original on March 5, 2016 ; accessed on December 21, 2015 .
predecessor Office successor
John IV Moschos Patriarch of Jerusalem