Amphialus (son of Polyneus)

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Amphialus ( ancient Greek Ἀμφίαλος ) is a person of Greek mythology .

He is in the Odyssey of Homer one of the Phaeacians , which at one Agon in honor of Odysseus participate. After Odysseus lands on the coast of Scherias , Alcinous and Arete promise to bring him back to Ithaca . Before that, an agon is held in his honor, in which, in addition to Amphialos, Akroneos , Okyalos , Elatreus , Nauteus , Prymneus , Anchialos , Eretmeus , Anabesineos , Ponteus , Thoon , Euryalos , Naubolides and finally the three sons of Alcinous Laodamas , Halios and Klytoneos . He is presented as the son of Polyneos and grandson of Tekton , from the competitions he emerges as the winner in the long jump .



  1. Homer, Odyssey 8, 111-109 .
  2. Homer, Odyssey 8, 128.