Official basic map of NRW

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The official basic map of North Rhine-Westphalia (ABK NRW or only ABK) is an overview map that creates a connection between the large-scale property map and the topographic map 1: 25000 (TK25). The ABK is also classified under the topographic maps .

Map content

The main contents of the map include: buildings, building use, streets, paths, land use, embankments and labels. The ABK is output with or without contour lines, digitally or as a print in the scales 1: 2500, 1: 5000 and 1: 10000. The standard-based exchange interface (NAS) and graphic formats such as B. TIFF or JPEG supported.


With the introduction of the official real estate cadastre information system (ALKIS) by the surveying and cadastral offices, the automated real estate map (ALK) and the automated real estate book (ALB) are currently being merged. With this introduction, the German basic map 1: 5000 (DGK5) and the digital basic map (DGK) are also to be transferred to the ABK in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) . Currently the DGK5 is only maintained in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen and Saarland . The DGK is a further development of the DGK5. The differences are mainly in the data management. The DGK is not - like the DGK5 - managed as an independent map series, but is derived from the ALK. This means that vector data are available for the DGK . Compared to raster data or analog data, vector data have the advantage that they are easier to maintain and can contain additional information (attributes). Compared to raster data, the amount of data from vector data is also much smaller.

Further development

The ABK is a further development of the DGK. There are differences in the data management and the map display. So is z. For example, color printing has become much cheaper since the introduction of the DGK5. This price development has led to the ABK being available in color. This new variety of colors offers a lot of new display options to e.g. B. to improve or simplify the map image. For example, there was no need for hatching due to the use of colors. Like the DGK, the ABK is derived from the property map. The difference is that the data is no longer managed via the ALK, but via ALKIS. Changes in the representation and in the labeling can be quickly identified on the map. More details on the map display can be found in the ALKIS signature catalog NRW (SK-NRW).

Overview of model types and profiles in the ALKIS process solution

Data collection

The Surveying and Cadastre Act (VermKatG NRW) regulates the "collection, management and provision of the data from the state survey and the real estate cadastre". The collection, management and provision of the property map, which is necessary to derive the ABK, is therefore required by law. The introduction of a card issue in the form of the ABK was specified in the NRW - ALKIS specification. The illustration on the right shows which ALKIS editions will be available as standard in NRW after the introduction of ALKIS. The figure also shows that the ABK is a special card issue in NRW. The nationwide standardized editions are marked with AdV ( Working Group of Surveying Administrations of the Federal States of the Federal Republic of Germany ).

Individual evidence
