Analog television

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Analog television is a retronymous term and describes the broadcast of television signals in which at least the image data, but mostly also the audio data , are transmitted in analog format . Recording and processing ( editing , effects, etc.) can be done using digital technology. In the course of the switch to digital television , the transmission of analog television programs will be gradually discontinued in the coming years. See: Analog shutdown .

Shutdown dates for terrestrial analog television

date country
0September 1, 2006 Luxembourg
December 11, 2006 Netherlands
0September 1, 2007 Finland
September 25, 2007 Andorra
October 29, 2007 Sweden
May 27, 2008 Switzerland
June 12, 2009 United States
June 30, 2009 Germany
October 31, 2009 Denmark
November 30, 2009 Norway
0April 3, 2010 Spain
December 31, 2010 Slovenia
June 7, 2011 Austria
August 31, 2011 Canada
November 30, 2011 Belgium
March 31, 2012 Japan a
June 30, 2012 Czech Republic
October 24, 2012 Ireland
United Kingdom
December 31, 2012 Bulgaria
South Korea
23rd July 2013 Poland
June 29, 2016 Brazil
1st May 2019 Ukraine
aShutdown originally scheduled nationwide for July 24, 2011, postponed to March 31, 2012 for the prefectures of Iwate , Miyagi and Fukushima due to the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear disaster .

In Switzerland, analog television was distributed in the cable networks until 2015.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. 東北 3 県 に お け る 地上 ア ナ ロ グ 放送 用 周波 数 の 使用 期限 延長 に 係 る 告示 告示 案 の 電波 監理 審議 会 か ら の 答 申 . Department of Internal Affairs and Communications , July 13, 2011, accessed October 21, 2012 (Japanese).