Anatoly Alexejewitsch Logunow

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Anatoly Alexejewitsch Logunow , Russian Анатолий Алексеевич Логунов , English transcription Anatoly Logunov , (born December 30, 1926 in Samara Oblast ; † March 1, 2015 in Moscow ) was a Russian theoretical physicist.

Logunow was a student of Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Bogoljubow , with whom he completed his habilitation in 1959 at Lomonossow University (Russian doctorate). From 1961 he was a professor at Lomonossow University, where he headed the Department of High Energy Physics and Quantum Theory from 1971 and was Rector of Lomonossow University from 1977 to 1992. He was also at the United Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. 1963 to 1974 and 1993 to 2003 he was director of the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Protvino . There he led the construction of the 70 GeV proton synchrotron U 70, which was in operation from 1967 and for several years held the top position for the energy of proton beams. At that time he also promoted international cooperation (CERN, CEA in France).

He dealt with quantum field theory (renormalization group with Bogoljubow and Schirkow, dispersion relations and other methods in high energy physics, axiomatic quantum field theory). He is known for a relativistic theory of gravitation (RTG), which he dealt with from the mid-1970s and which he considered to be the highlight of his scientific work. He worked on it until shortly before his death. From this he derived a finite (albeit very small) graviton mass, accelerated expansion (with explanation of dark energy), an oscillating universe and rejected singularities as in black holes. In this area he worked a lot with Semjon Solomonowitsch Gerschtein in the 1990s and 2000s . In his theory of gravitation the Minkowski space basis was retained, but the gravitational field was treated like other physical fields. The source of the gravitational field is the energy-momentum tensor including the contributions of the gravitational field itself. Angular momentum and energy-momentum conservation are strictly implemented. For all known experimental tests, his theory delivers the same predictions as the general theory of relativity.

In 1996 he received the Bogolyubov Prize and in 1980 the Lyapunov gold medal . He was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (corresponding member since 1968, full member since 1972).

He was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He received the Order of Lenin several times, received the Lenin Prize, the State Prize of the USSR and was a hero of socialist work. He was multiple honorary doctorates.

Fonts (selection)

  • with NN Bogoliubov, T. Todorov: Introduction to axiomatic quantum field theory, Benjamin 1975
  • The theory of gravity, Moscow, Nauka 2001, Archive , Arxiv 2002
  • Henri Poincaré and relativity theory, Arxiv 2004

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SS Gershtein, AA Logunov, MA Mestvirishvili, NP Tkachenko: Graviton Mass, Quintessence and Oscillatory Character of the Universe Evolution , Phys.Atom.Nucl., Volume 67, 2004, pp. 596-1604
  2. Logunov, Mestverishvili, Kiselev, Black holes: a prediction of theory or phantasy? , Phys.Part.Nucl., Volume 37, 2006, pp. 317-320, Arxiv 2004