Anchiale (daughter of Iapetus)

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Anchiale ( ancient Greek Ἀγχιάλη ) is a heroine of Greek mythology .

She is the daughter of the titan Iapetos and founded the Cilician city ​​of Anchiale, named after her . In addition, she is the mother of Kydnos, the river god of the river of the same name Cilicia, and the grandmother of Parthenios , after whom the city of Tarsos Parthenia is said to have been named after the Kydnos . Anchiale appears only in a fragment of the stoic philosopher Athenodorus of Tarsus , in the other traditions the Assyrian king Sardanapal is named as the founder Anchiales .



  1. Athenodoros, Fragment 1 in Stephanos von Byzanz , in: Karl Müller et al. (Ed.): Fragmenta historicorum graecorum 3, pp. 486–487.
  2. See Gustav Hirschfeld : Anchiale 2. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume I, 2, Stuttgart 1894, Col. 2103 f .; Walter Burkert : Sardanapal between myth and reality. The grave in Kilikien, in: Ueli Dill , Christine Walde (Hrsg.): Ancient myths. Media, transformations and constructions. de Gruyter, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-11-020909-9 . Pp. 502-515 Google Books .