Anchovy tetra

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Anchovy tetra
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : Triportheidae
Subfamily : Clupeacharacinae
Genre : Clupeacharax
Type : Anchovy tetra
Scientific name of the  subfamily
Fowler , 1958
Scientific name of the  genus
Pearson , 1924
Scientific name of the  species
Clupeacharax anchoveoides
Pearson, 1924

The anchovy tetra ( Clupeacharax anchoveoides ( Latin , "clupea" = sardine, Greek, charax)) is a freshwater fish belonging to the order of the characiformes . It occurs in tropical South America in the upper Amazon basin and in the Río Paraná basin . The scientific name of the genus and the specific epithet was given because of the external similarity of Clupeacharax anchoveoides with sardines (Latin: "clupea" = sardine) and anchovies .


The anchovy tetra becomes 6.6 to 8 centimeters long. Its body is elongated and has a keel on the belly. The mouth is covered with three- to four-pointed teeth, with the premaxillary and dentals being the tooth-bearing bones. The coracoid , a bone in the shoulder girdle, is well developed. The anal fin is long with its front base in front of the short dorsal fin.

The way of life of the anchovy tetra is so far unknown.


  • Roberto E. Reis, Sven O. Kullander, Carl J. Ferraris: Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America. CLOFFSCA: i-xi + 1-729 GoogleBooks

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