Andi Bell

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Andi Bell (2006)

Andi Bell (* 1972 ) is an English memory athlete . He became world memory champion in 1998, 2002 and 2003 .


For his memory records, Bell linked defined images to form a story. He has a person, an action and an object for the digits from 0 to 99. For the first two digits of a six-digit number, he takes the representative person in his head as the actor. The next two positions form the verb and the last two positions the object.

He then uses the loci method to store these mini-stories on mental paths in his head through visualization.


  • Memorize a well-mixed deck of 52 cards in 31.16 seconds
  • Memorize 1197 cards (23 decks and one card) in one hour
  • Memorize 50 fictitious historical dates in five minutes
  • Memorize 396 digits in five minutes


Bell is an avid soccer and hockey player and recommends not only mental training but also intensive fitness training (“ Mens sana in corpore sano ”).


See also

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